Non-invasive and delivering visible results, adding microneedling to your next salon appointment could boost the benefits of your favourite facials. Read on to discover what exactly microneedling can do for you, and why this professional facial treatment is currently being craved by our Dubai skincare clients.

What is microneedling?

Simply put, microneedling is a professional salon procedure that uses tiny needles to penetrate the top layer of the dermis. These very fine needles range from .5 to 2.5 millimetres in diameter and is virtually pain-free. The miniscule puncturing triggers the skin’s recovery reactions, encouraging your cells to produce more collagen to repair the tissue. Smooth, and even-toned, this new skin rejuvenates the appearance and texture to the treated area. At Brau, we supercharge your microneedling session with a mesotherapy facial program facial that’s tailored to your specific skin concerns, so that you get the most from your microneedling session. The facial includes deep cleansing extractions, glycolic acid peel, microneedling, kelp algae mask, LED light therapy and massage with hyaluronic acid serum.

What are the benefits of microneedling?
Microneedling stimulates the skin to improve a wide range of skin conditions from loss of firmness to cellulite. Complexion concerns such as acne scarring, age spots, oversized pores, pigmentation, poor elasticity and fine lines are all able to be successfully treated by microneedling. You will see results within a few weeks, as your upper dermis works to rebuild and replenish its surface. We recommend several sessions, depending on your skin concerns, with a month’s spacing between each booking

What happens at my appointment?
At Brau, your microneedling expert will first consult on your skin concerns and complexion goals, and advise on the number of sessions and potential complementary services required. They will also check whether you have any skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis or broken skin, as there may be a better-suited treatment plan available. For the treatment itself, your facial therapist uses our professional microneedling device to carefully create pinpricks across your skin. Brau’s microneedling offerings are tailored as part of our mesotherapy glow facial, which includes a deep cleanse, glycol acid peel, kelp algae masque and hyaluronic acid serum application, in addition to your microneedling, for a complete complexion rejuvenation.

How long does it take to recover?
Microneedling is non-invasive and doesn’t require any recovery time – you could even pop in for a session during your lunch break. While your skin may appear a little red and sensitive following the treatment, this is a normal indication that your skin is predictively responding to the teeny needle punctures. Avoid irritating skincare products like peels and acids for a few days and make sure to wear sunscreen to protect your rejuvenating skin. Our skincare experts can also tailor a skincare routine for you to follow for maximized results.

Can I microneedle at home?
Given the level of expertise and training required, microneedling should be performed by only professionals, in a sterile salon or clinic setting. Derma rollers cannot puncture the skin’s surface enough to be effective, and DIYers can risk irritation and further skin issues. For an effective, safe treatment, book a consult with one of our skin experts at our Dubai brow bar.